The Thirteenth Installment of “Spells of Artistry!”

It’s refreshing to find a writer who takes on the paranormal and gives it a fresh twist. Today I have the pleasure to interview Simone Snaith, an author who does exactly that with her series, The Fairville Woods. Read on to find out more about her writing as well as her music!


“The Girl of Fire and Lightning” by Harrison Paul

Kaybree is a teenage girl from Nordgard, an alternate history Scandinavia where mythical beings called Angels have protected and guided mankind for millennia–until they started attacking fifteen years ago.  Her mother’s organization, the Vormund Order, defeated the first Angel attack and has been guarding the borders by the forest ever since.

Read more HERE….

Interview with Peter Andrews!

In the spirit of NaNoWriMo and this July’s Camp NaNoWriMo, I thought it would be fun to interview a writer who specializes in writing fast. In fact, that’s the name of his blog: How To Write Fast. Peter Andrews has been perfecting his own methods of prolificity and passing his knowledge onto his fellow writers for awhile. It is my delight to have him with us today!

Check it out HERE…