The Burning Z – Blitz!

The Burning Z by Clive Riddle

Zombies go to Burning Man. A mysterious meteor slams into the Black Rock desert and soon a growing number of zombies are on the loose. Bruce and Conner – hometown friends who experience sudden success early in their careers, followed by a long downward trajectory – encounter the z’s and embark on a quest across the desert to save Conner’s recently rekindled high school love who is attending Burning Man. Alan Gorman – the steadfast, retired Air Force physician with expert marksmanship and a prosthetic lower limb – endures his own odyssey trying to alert the authorities to the escalating zombie menace. It all leads to a climatic, costumed battle of the Alamo, inside Burning Man’s Black Rock City.

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Author Bio:

Clive Riddle is a life-long Californian, married and father of three, living in Modesto, California. At age 26 Riddle became CEO of a regional HMO. After a decade, he went on to found MCOL (, a leading health care business information company. Riddle has authored a variety of health care reference books and business articles. He is a noted speaker at national events regarding key health care business issues. Dorris Bridge is his first novel, The Burning Z is his second. Find out more about Clive at

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Check it out folks! Gotta love those zombies. And remember, whenever and wherever possible, support your local bookstore!

–Kara xxooxx