Sci-Fi romance author Cynthia Woolf guest blogs today on! Read her thoughts on the importance of a good book cover and get a chance to win a gift certificate…
Writer – Interviewer
Sci-Fi romance author Cynthia Woolf guest blogs today on! Read her thoughts on the importance of a good book cover and get a chance to win a gift certificate…
Choosing an editor can be one of the toughest decisions a writer faces before publishing a book. Sometimes, writers who sign with a small press can choose their editors. Most times– especially when dealing with larger houses–this choice is not offered. With the rise of self-publishing or indie publishing, writers have more control over this and other aspects, from editing to release. This new control can be a blessing or a burden with a lot of trial and error.
1- My new website is UP! Dey for Love is dedicated to all things romance; reviews, author blurbs and interviews. You can check it out by going to the site, through the link, or by clicking on the menu tab on the right.
If you are a romance author or freelance editor and would like to appear on my new site, that would be awesome! Once you get there, look for a link on the left called “Author’s Guide.” I have three options for you there. The best news: it is FREE! 🙂
2- This site, my main site, will continue to bring fun tidbits, updates on my books, and interviews of all things artistic. It has been the biggest pleasure to do in-depth interviews about interesting, talented folks. I won’t be stopping anytime soon, so check back from time to time.
3- My blog continues to include updates on Spell Casters, reviews of new and old books that I like, as well as mobile games that I’ve enjoyed.
Hope you all like the new site and let me know what you think!