Dingus Xavier has the worst luck ever. As if just being named “Dingus” weren’t enough, he’s the red-headed, oversized son of an elven mother and an absent, human father given to banditry.
Category: authors
“Colony East” by Scott Cramer Reviewed PLUS Giveaway!
Dystopian for Age: 12 +
My review: Cramer spins an intense tale with believable characters and spellbinding descriptions that drew me in…
It’s a Zombie Fallout Blitz!
Mike is back. The battle with Eliza is past. Now Mike must strike out once again in a desperate race against time…
PRIZES–Midnight Cover Reveal PLUS a Quarterly Blog Hop!
It’s coming… A minute to midnight… October 31st. Cover Reveal for my latest book, “Vampire’s Fortune, Fortune Teller’s Curse.” Spread the word for the chance to get some fun prizes.
And in the meantime, check out these authors’ on the October Blog Hop. Get prizes here, get prizes there. Yippie! …and Booooo!
Cover Reveal! John Hennessy’s Latest
Dima Zales — Cover Reveal PLUS a Bonus Excerpt!
Wowie! Love this cover for The Sorcery Code by Dima Zales! And the excerpt. I’m looking forward to checking this one out! Come on in and take a peek! This is going to be a great read and I can’t wait…
To see the cover reveal, click the image or HERE…